Carrie is reading The Help to me. Pure delight and grand luxury.
She is sewing a skirt for herself and is doing wonderfully. (She is not pictured here - that is me and my sisters at the wedding nearly a year ago. Can't believe it has been that long. Wish I could get into that great violet dress again. I will. The pearls and the snakeskin shoes still fit.)
I am writing the syllabus for the Costuming class in the Fall. New adventure.
I am working on the stock for the October Apron Show. I will NOT get behind and sew 8 hours a day for all of October. I WILL NOT DO THAT EVER AGAIN. **Public declaration designed to motivate me to keep up the current pace of 5 to 6 a week. ** Sewing 8 hours a day(night) is reserved for costuming, and costuming alone. Unless I can figure a way to do it differently this year.
Have tentatively heard that it will be The King and I for Spring. Total new costume construction, but for the cool authentic pants I am ever-so-glad I did not cut when I used them for a Pirate Girl Skirt last Spring. It is a seed at least. A lovely red iridescent seed. And new costumes means at least one awesome BIG DRESS. I do love a centerpiece.
Headed for the BIG Scottish Highland Games in North Carolina in a couple weeks. Real vacation. Much needed after this hard year.
And so this is the update. Will post a picture of the new never-making-my-own-bias-tape-again apron tomorrow. It's done but I need to go to work. Because, despite this list, I actually also have an away job. (which I love)
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