Sunday, August 22, 2010


This is the cutest candid shot of my Dad. I don't think I had ever seen it before. There are also shots taken on the same day (obviously the same brilliant amateur photographer) of me and my younger brother. I found them while looking through a Christmas box from Hillshire Farms which was a wild conglomeration of history. (Remember them? Kiosk at the mall which would appear at Thanksgiving to sell you sausage and honey and strawberry candies and you could have them shipped! This was when buying something you had not touched was a novelty....and then by January 1 the kiosk mysteriously gone again.)

And then this: a postcard of my Father when he was a hopeful boyfriend-to-be. He sent it to my mother when she lived at "2 West" the house she shared with several other girls and a single woman who watched over them.... but not too closely. :) Who is the mystery man on the left? No competition, obviously.

And here is my favorite of all. I love the ocean. I love it. My father did not like water. I remember a hotel pool event that was terrifying because he was not a swimmer. Everyone survived it. But I remember. And yet, here he is at age 39 out in the water looking for something. I love how all you can see is him and the vastness of the water. It makes me think that I do not need to be afraid of the things I am afraid of. Perhaps he taught me that. Thank you, Dad.

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

I found some perfect pictures of my father so now I must figure out how to transfer them here without a scanner and we are in business again. I am getting my feet back under me and feel like the next few weeks will bring things to document.

My class starts in two weeks, we had a production staff meeting tonight and I have the same visuals in my head for these period costumes as the director does and so I am excited for another costume season to begin.

Good stuff on the horizon. I have a wondrous life. This is in California last year.. when the horizon I see now was nowhere in sight.

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