Saturday, January 26, 2008

Friday night. The glory of being 3 and 6 and knowing exactly what you want to do on a Friday night. Go play at JennJenn's.

They put on aprons. And changed aprons. Several times. And played with yarn. They are growing up because they are eager to put things away after they are finished.

Note how carefully the yarn has been replaced.

Now we make dinner of pancakes and eggs. Big B sets the table all by herself without being asked to and even puts flowers on the table. Chooses the dishes to look good together. Little girl beautiful. Little B says, "I love Harold, so I will get his plate." He gets flowers on his plate. True love to sacrifice the coveted flower plate. They eat everything.

Then we wash two dishes for an hour before the plastic animals take a bubble bath.

The penguins come down from the shelf and a nest is made.

Before it is all over, Little B gets her elbow tendon rolled out of place - again - and is inconsolable. Until Mommy comes back and we transfer her from my lap to Mommy's and in the excruciating process, the tendon pops back into place. Although she has said with the time-warp of a three-year-old "it will never be better again" she is happily showing off how she can straighten the arm again and gets into Harold's lap to eat his Chinese food.

A blast. I am most fortunate to know this young mother and her family and get to rent these two
on occasion. I will be well-practiced when I have my own grandchildren.
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Blogger G.L.H. said...

I absolutely LOVE the photo of the table-setting. Great post from a great day!


February 05, 2008 5:52 PM  

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